Saturday, July 4, 2009

H@ppy D@y's

I complete Three year's Of My Btech and Now In Final Year. As always time has galloped all the way and as always, I smile when I look back. Last year's was marked by many firsts(not necessarily in order)
My first Day @ College.
My first trek .
My first flight (I am not counting the one I made as a baby.)
My first stay in a tent.
My first blog.
My first digi cam.
My first lappie.
My first car.
My first bike.
And there would be many more if I sit down to list them all.I dabbled a lot last year: Trecking, guitar, photography, and blogging. Given a choice I would always prefer to be a jack-of-all-trades rather than being a master of one or let me make it even better, jack-of-all-trades and master of one. :DToday being the start of another year I hope I keep dabbling and discovering.

Pushya Mitra


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